About Me

Hey, I’m Lee. I'm a developer, writer, and the creator of Mastering Next.js and React 2025. I work at ▲Vercel as a Solutions Architect.

I’ve spoken across the country at conferences and meet-ups about front-end development, design, and recruiting. I write about development, tech careers, and my personal life on my newsletter.

I grew up in small-town Iowa and went to school at Iowa State, graduating with a degree in Computer Engineering. I spend my free time playing music, creating videos, and enjoying time with friends and family in Des Moines, IA.

Conference Talks

Data Fetching with Next.js

Next.js is a hybrid React framework allowing you to choose your data fetching strategy on a per-page basis. In this talk, you’ll learn more about CSR (Client-Side Rendering), SSR (Server-Side Rendering), SSG (Static-Site Generation), ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration), and when to use each one. I’ll also give a quick introduction to Next.js and share some of the main features of the framework.

Building Static Sites with Prisma and Next.js

During this workshop, you'll learn how to integrate Prisma with Next.js and build a statically-generated site that displays a list of your favorite songs. We'll use Chakra UI for styling and deploy our site with Vercel.

Building Component Libraries with a Monorepo

Learn why your organization needs a component library and discover the best practices for building, scaling, and adopting it across all platforms. We'll be using industry-standard technology (React, JavaScript, Storybook) alongside cutting-edge solutions (CSS-in-JS, Monorepo).

Recruiting Engineers (From An Engineer's Perspective)

Hiring talent is becoming increasingly difficult with low unemployment rates and the tech industry booming. What you can do to stick out? Learn from an engineer who's been involved on both sides - both as a candidate and with hiring - on what candidates really want out of a position.